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We offer additional services to help our neighbors with everyday tasks and most importantly to help them when they aren't around!
Our list of services is infinite. If you have a specific service in mind but you don't see it listed on our website, simply send us your request and we will do our best to accommodate your needs!
Property Management
Delivery Acceptance (e.g. furniture)
Bring packages inside that have been delivered to your front door or mailbox parcel
Check mail and/or forward mail
Contractor Supervision
Dry cleaning - drop off & pick up
Grocery shopping prior to your arrival
Move lanai furniture
Trash & Recycling Bin Service
Water potted plants
Clean out spoiled food in refrigerator after power outage
Need something else? Just ask!
No problem! Your Trusty Neighbor is here for you!
Let us know what your home needs and we will do our best to accommodate your next visit.
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